
Author Spotlight

Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
Louisa was born on her father’s birthday at half-past twelve in the morning. The second of four daughters born to Amos and Abigail Alcott, Louisa grew up in New England and was early exposed to the American writers such as Emerson, Hawthorne, and Thoreau through her father’s Transcendental Club. Due to poverty, Louisa was forced to work at a young age, and began to write and publish. Her well-loved novel Little Women strongly reflects her own growing up years among her three other sisters. An abolitionist and a feminist, Louisa May Alcott wrote up until the time of her death. During her service in the Civil War she contracted typhoid disease and was treated with a medicine containing mercury, but it is recently supposed she died not of mercury poisoning, but of lupus. She died two days after seeing her father’s death, but her stories live on, each vibrant and enjoyable for all to read.

Books by Louisa May Alcott

Book Fun Values Age
Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott Great Clean 13+
Kate's Choice by Louisa May Alcott Good Clean 8-10
Little Men by Louisa May Alcott Great Clean 13+
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Great Clean adult
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